A genuine hero of "cassette culture" days & D.I.Y. aeshtetics, KEN CLINGER, has created since early 80's tons of homemade keyboard pop and experimental music, working either solo or in collaboration with other similarly spirited, unknown musicians and obscure poets. His contributions to rare, home-taping and weird music compilations (Total Recess cassette compilations, for instance) have invited the attention of a small circle of listeners but, generally, his work remains quite invisible.
KEN CLINGER nowadays runs Bovine Productions music label and gives a big part of his work for free. Self-introduced as "a one-man sound module band", he counts among his influences The Beatles, The Kinks, Brian Eno, Momus, King Crimson, Algebra Suicide and others. Sometimes he is strongly reminiscent of Edward Ka Spel. As he characteristically says: "Ken Clinger actually exists".
An introduction to Ken Clinger music:
Thank you, that's interesting! Sometimes reminds me of David Garland. I like especially "Name 5 Things ...". Do you know when this track is from?
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