Four-track EP released from M Squared in 1982. One of the incredible avant-art operations, these haunted-soundscape makers tried in the heart of ambient/electronic/industrial/acousmatic experimentalism.
If there is much interest, a 'La Folie' made summary of their other works might follow.
If there is much interest, a 'La Folie' made summary of their other works might follow.
Peter Richardson (piano, keyboards), Gregg Addison (guitar), Tim Schultz (sax, bongos), Shane Fahey (synths, loops), Steve Couri (performer).
Peter Richardson (piano, keyboards), Gregg Addison (guitar), Tim Schultz (sax, bongos), Shane Fahey (synths, loops), Steve Couri (performer).
Απίστευτο γκρουπ που δυστυχώς έμεινε -και αυτό- στην αφάνεια.. Όσο συναρπαστική ήταν αυτή η εποχή, τόσο καταδικαστική ήταν για ενα μεγάλο συνολο συγκροτημάτων που δεν ήταν δυνατό να γίνουν ΟΛΑ γνωστά.. Κρίμα..
Εχω κάτι άλλο απο αυτούς, αλλά άντε να το βρίσκω νυχτιάτικα... Αύριο. Ναι, αύριο απόγευμα, να παίξουν με Go Betweens και ο νικητής με Tactics...
Πολυ διαφορετικο σχημα οι πρωτοι απ τους δυο δευτερους.θα απεφευγα τις συγκρισεις. Μεταξυ ολων, η προσωπικη μου προτιμηση ειναι GO BETWEENS.
Τα αρχεια μας στα λημματα 'Holden Interview' και 'Blue & White Future Whale'... δυστυχως ειναι ακομα λιγο λειψα.
Oh yes please, if possible more of this.......
mjam mjam
Wonderful stuff these Australian post-punk 7"'s and EPs.
It's a shame that these bands are forgotten or complete unknown in Europe.
There is a very good compelation from the early 80's with Australian and New Zealand post-punk music: Beyond the Southern Cross. Issued by Ink Records. Check it out!
If you have anything more of this stuff, please share.
Very interesting sound...thanx for all this great stuff
OH MAN! I'm so excited to see this posted. I lost my Extreme records release (re-issue?) of their stuff. This stuff is hard to find. It's almost as if it doesn't exist.
Thank You!
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