Sep 25, 2010

JAVIER PAXARIÑO "Perihelion" + "Temura"

Spanish wind player (flutes, clarinets, saxes...) and composer Javier Paxariño makes music based, mainly, on the traditions and the history of mediterranean civilizations. His explorations through space and time bring in light elements from cultures grown in Iberica, South Europe, North Africa, Balkans, Middle East... and fuse them in seductive world-jazz-folk forms.

 These efforts -that although don't seek a new, genuine language, they lack no originality-  reach their best with albums "Temura" (1994) and "Perihelion" (1996) , two works that demonstrate Paxariño's ability for composing clarity and imaginative arrangements, perfectly balanced between ethno-colours and modern instrumentation.
"Temura", influenced by judaic esoterica, is named after a cabbalistic technique to extract hidden meanings from the mystery of sentence. "Perihelion", on the other hand, focused on the timeless worship of light, recalls the ancient sun ceremonies of mediterranean and subsaharian lands.


Sotiris said...

Πριν απο λίγο, εγραψα μια μεγάλη ιστορία για τη "γνωριμία" μου με τον Paxarino και αυτά τα συγκεκριμένα - αγαπημένα- άλμπουμ. Κάποιο προβληματάκι στη σύνδεση, έχασε οοοοολα οσα έγραψα. Δεν μπορώ τωρα να τα ξαναγράψω. Απλά, επειδή ειναι απο τις ιστορίες που έχουν αρκετές ορατές και αόρατες προεκτάσεις, δεσμεύομαι με την πρώτη ευκαιρία (ειτε εδω, είτε σε δική μου ανάρτηση) να τη μοιραστώ μαζί σας!

paramo said...

Αναμενουμε λοιπον την αναρτηση...

Anonymous said...

thanks - steve.