Compilation-introduction to german composer and clarinettist MICHAEL RIESSLER (born in Ulm 1957) whose works are trully occupying a unique, boundary-free and full of imaginative crossings space among jazz, experimental, classical, medieval, european folk, improvisation...
01 deceleration ("Bach In 1 Hour")
02 esitazione ("Palude")
03 bulegria ("Tentations D'Abelarde")
04 unstern ("Tentations D'Abelarde")
05 grille ("Tentations D'Abelarde")
06 cantus ("Tentations D'Abelarde")
07 souvenirs d'enfance ("Orange")
08 2 dans un cafe ("Orange")
09 atlas ("Orange")
10 je ("Orange")
11 je me souviens ("Orange")
12 pleurez mes yeux ("Ahi Vita")
13 amor lamento della ninfa ("Ahi Vita")
14 planxit ("Ahi Vita")
compiled by LFDJ
"Tentations d'Abelard"
[Riessler: clarinets - V. Clastrier: hurdy gurdy - Michel Godard: tuba - M. Ambrosini: nyckelharp/bagpipe - Brigitte Sylvestre: harp - Gaston Sylvestre: cymbalon - J.L. Matinier: accordion - Renaud Garcia Fons: double bass - Gerard Siracusa: drums/percussion - Carlo Rizzo: tambourine/bendir - Robie Ameen: drums], 1995, WERGO
[Riessler: clarinet/bassclarinet/sopranino sax - J.L. Matineir: accordion - Elise Caron: vocals - Pierre Charial: barrel organ], 1999, ACT
"Ahi Vita"
[Riessler: clarinets - Vincent Courtois: cello - Claudia Reinhard, Klaus Wenk, Markus Zapp, Andeas Hirtreiter, Guido Heidloff, Marcus Schmidl: voices], 2003, ACT
[collaboration of Riessler: clarinets/sax - Valentin Clastrier: hurdy gurdy - Carlo Rizzo: tambourine], 1995, WERGO
"Bach In 1 Hour"
[Riessler and Trio Di Clarone ensemble], 2000, EMI
ahm - have i been blind lately? you make a compilation of riessler material and i completely oversee this?? must be some magic mushrooms at work or something...
riessler is one of the best european clarinetists i know, for me in the same pantheon like trovesi, portal and sclavis. tomorrow i'll post riessler as a member of a highly energetic group... (purely coincidental that i stumbled over this - i prepared the post with riessler already for a forum) ;)
forgive me: THANKS FOR THIS, of course.
Thanks for this compilation, my intro to your blog via Lucky.
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