Cellist ERNST REIJSEGER, clarinetist/saxophonist MICHAEL MOORE and legendary dutch percussionist HAN BENNINK started their collaboration in 1980. After their contributions to BENNINK's famous ICP ORCHESTRA, they formed in 1988 CLUSONE TRIO, touring in many countries and leaving behind some interesting live and studio works.
Apart their own compositions their repertoire included many old jazz standards which were performed by the trio in an unpredictable way ranging from faithfulness and form respect to inventive improvised free ways.
CLUSONE TRIO paused activities in 1998.
Apart their own compositions their repertoire included many old jazz standards which were performed by the trio in an unpredictable way ranging from faithfulness and form respect to inventive improvised free ways.
CLUSONE TRIO paused activities in 1998.

The selected tracks of this compilation are from albums: "Clusone 3" (1992, live) "I Am An Indian" (1994, live), "Love Henry"(1997, live), "Rara Avis" (1998).
TRACKS: 01 Hindu wu (1992) - 02 Angelica - 03 Bella Coola - 04 Sonoroso - 05 Salish (1994) - 06 Uninhabited island - 07 Restless in pieces - 08 Love Henry (1997) - 09 Yellow bird - 10 Le cygne - 11 Tico tico no fuba - 12 My bird of Paradise (1998)

Αριστούργημα. Πέρα απο το υπέροχο αποψινό ηλιοβασίλεμα, ενας ακόμη λόγος για να ζεις.
Σωτήρη, περισσοτερος Bennink καθως και ετεροι εκλεκτοι αυτοσχεδιαστες...
what you are talking about lucky psychic hut, bennink and the outsider...??? ;)
for more BENNINK and other fine improvisators, see at LUCKY PSYCHIC HUT blog.
i wasn't completely serious with my question, therefore i put a ;) behind.
i tried to translate the greek with google's translator, but i only got strange signs as reply, except for "bennink", "lucky psychic hut" from your reply, and several times "the outside" from sotiris comment - looked like this:
"The XIO O XOO The XOX O ³ O ±. ΞΟ O O O ± ± The Outside The Outside The Outside The ΞΟ O XOO XOO ± The XIX The O O ½ »² O ± XIXOX The O-O» XXOX ±, N ± ½ XX The XIO XOX O ± O »A ³ O XOO XIX O ³ N ± N ± ½ XAXXIO."
strange google.
i hope i haven't confused you too much - this stuff perhaps isn't relevant for you and hasn't any meaning, therefore i better be just
lucky :)
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