Sep 28, 2008

SECONDE CHAMBRE introduction (FRA)

SECONDE CHAMBRE -lord brain , 1985 *

SECONDE CHAMBRE - selftitled , 1986 #

COMPLOT BRONSWICK, MINIMAL COMPACT, DAZIBAO, and of course MECANO are some of the names come in my mind listening to these two albums (there must be a third LP also) of SECONDE CHAMBRE, a cold wave, guitar-bass-drums outfit which have given some fine moments to the genre. Sharp-heavy sound, indie-industrial-dark directions and the distinctive "french" melancholy...

Sampling few tracks from each album looks like a good idea for introducing this band... but ones interested in the whole, they can ask for it, via our email adress only.

sampler`s tracklist:
01Therese Neumann*
02.Ton Regard*
04.Nuits Claires#
05.Le Miel D`Hier#
06.Compte a Rebours#

(approx time 24 min)

1 comment:

noisepress said...

i'm really interested to hear more
from Seconde Chambre.
thank you much for all good sounds that you share!