This post brings you some music from the earliest and most interesting period of Japanese band JACK OR JIVE. Female singer CHAKO does gifted vocals of many aspects and disguises, while MAKOTO HATTURI (her partner also in life since 1992), as the less "visible" figure of the band, deals mainly with music treatments which in their bigger part are electronic. Duo`s music derives from 80`s minimal, dark ambient, ethereal and cinematic sounds, it is also rooted to traditional japanese music and sometimes it just shows its lyrical nostalgia for the simple, unaffected pop and the childhood age.
"PRAYER" was the debut CD album of the band. The very first though JACK OR JIVE `s release was the limited cassette "Expatriation" (1990), a slightly damaged digital copy of which you can also listen here...
Excellent ! (pas d'autre mot...)
Thank you!!
thanks for this!
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